

Where does the idea come from

The migration of skills

In the last few years, Italy is undergoing a process in which many brilliant young minds leave the country to study and work abroad.

Remain offers another possibility: the chance to work at home for a foreign company. Remain brings to the table an inclusive, socially responsible, and economically sustainable solution.

For this very reason, Remain is concerned with:

Opening Virtual Routes between our country and the rest of the world, thanks to the opportunities given by remote work.

Promoting ecosystems to create mutual benefits and new skills.

Building modern offices closer to people, to their families, and their territories.

Our vision

Remote Working

REMAIN builds offices far away from the worker’s employer. Most of these offices are located in disused or underutilized public containers in the South of Italy, or in poorer areas of the country.


The box as a tool

Reboxes improve the access to qualified workers, due to the easy availability for remote connection currently provided by technologies. They are not designed to only be physical places, but offices where people can grow and build strong relationships. Reboxes also have the potential to revive underdeveloped areas of the country.

Our Milestones


Remain for

Italy is undergoing processes of continuous hemorrhaging of human resources, while in more developed areas there are increasing difficulties in finding qualified human resources. Remain wants to open virtual routes between these areas and rebalance skills and demographics. Remain creates the conditions for matching the supply with the demand, thanks to the remote working.

Remain for

After the recruiting phase, Remain never fails to be a helping hand to the human resources. Each Remain Center supports their Reworkers with coaches, mentors and recruiters who will improve their soft skills, especially to those with an experience gap. The staff of Obiettivo Remain takes each person in their care, both professionally and personally.

There are many benefits for the businesses in partnership with Remain:

  • Broader opportunities of finding the right person;
  • Lower turnover of skilled resources;
  • Strong sense of belonging among new recruits;
  • Greater and longer-lasting contribution.

Remain for

Remain organizes remote work centers in order to create modern offices.

The REBOXes are crucial because they distance Remain from other smartworking initiatives. In REmain there are no smartworkers but only remote workers.


Re-using containers to do business

Remote work in isolated areas can be easily accommodated in reclaimed but unused or underutilized historic containers, of which Italy is full. The possibility of giving a new life to these containers, and of avoiding the construction of new structures means not only saving on building  costs, but alsogiving life to a process of sustainable development.

Mismatch expense in PIL $

Fonte BCG

Youth unemployment in South Italy


Dati 2019

Employees that came back in South Italy in 2020




Reboxes are built for:


We collaborate with recruiting agencies as early as the job search stage through the identification and pre-selection of candidates.


We take care of the resources and all logistical aspects related to them, like meeting rooms and job stations.


We make training paths for the empowerment of human resources with regard to their lifelong employability.


Our coaches contribute to the development of soft skills in a customized approach.

Tax and labor consulting

We provide support in identifying issues and finding targeted incentives.

Safe Spaces

We work for safe workspaces, in the total respect of individual and corporate privacy.

Certification of attendance

We provide technical and administrative support for the time tracking of reworkers.

Friendly technology

We equipe our spaces with dedicated technologies for cloud and remote work.




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