Remain for
Italy is undergoing processes of continuous hemorrhaging of human resources, while in more developed areas there are increasing difficulties in finding qualified human resources. Remain wants to open virtual routes between these areas and rebalance skills and demographics. Remain creates the conditions for matching the supply with the demand, thanks to the remote working.
Remain for
After the recruiting phase, Remain never fails to be a helping hand to the human resources. Each Remain Center supports their Reworkers with coaches, mentors and recruiters who will improve their soft skills, especially to those with an experience gap. The staff of Obiettivo Remain takes each person in their care, both professionally and personally.
There are many benefits for the businesses in partnership with Remain:

Remain for
Remain organizes remote work centers in order to create modern offices.
The REBOXes are crucial because they distance Remain from other smartworking initiatives. In REmain there are no smartworkers but only remote workers.